Политика конфиденциальности
The privacy policy describes the use of the data protection tools (tools) provided by you (completed).
To ensure the confidentiality of the information you provide, Shinplaza takes the necessary steps to ensure the security of the data of each person using the site so that no third party can see or use this information. You are not obliged to provide your personal data when using the public parts of the site. We can only see և collect the number of visitors to ShinPlaza.am, and your identity remains secret.
Confidentiality of personal information
Final Provisions
This Policy, as well as all its amendments, are approved by the General Director of the company and enter into force after publication on www.shinplaza.am. We may not change the information contained on the site, the content of the services without notifying you. You can find out about the changes by following the website. Your continued access to or use of the shinplaza.am website will be deemed consent to such changes.
If you make a mistake or double the payment, we will refund the commission.
www.shinplaza.am website content, design, digital conversions այլ Other factors related to the site are protected by copyright, exclusive rights. It is strictly forbidden to print, distribute, use or publish any part of the Site, except for the permitted sections.